Only in the following cases will Apuesta Chile generate a refund of the balance in the Apuesta Chile account to users:
Apuesta Chile will generate a refund of the balance per bet corresponding to users, as long as the revision of the error that occurred is requested in writing, indicating user, game and time of the event. In cases like;
Bet / game is not carried out correctly, as directed by the game itself.
Bet / Game is late and does not allow Bet / Game to be concluded within 48 hours from the initially committed time.
Bet / Game is postponed and does not allow Bet / Game to be concluded within 48 hours due to difficulties in play.
If the balance on the Apuesta Chile page is eliminated for no apparent reason, or an incorrect balance score is paid / withdrawn.
If the Bet / game winnings are incorrect or transposed and indicates an incorrect score as indicated by the game itself.
In the following cases, no returns will be generated:
User must read Bet / game instructions to play informed and responsibly, for which no refunds will be generated in the following cases;
Apuesta Chile will not generate refunds, since the user closes session during an event / bet / game.
No refunds will be generated, every time the user disconnects unexpectedly during the event / bet / game. For example, when the browser is closed or the device on which the bet takes place is turned off.
No refunds will be generated, whenever the user loses connection to their internet network during the event / bet / game.
No refunds will be generated, in cases where the user erroneously enters their Bet in play.
No refunds will be generated in cases where the user automatically plays a game.